Contact us

For all enquiries relating to Doctor Charles Archer please email directly:

Derma Reading - 0118 466 0935 /

The Berkshire Independent Hospital - 0118 902 8178 /

Stratum Oxford -


To make an appointment with Professor Clive Archer telephone an Appointments number directly:

The Glen, Spire Hospital Bristol Clinic 0117 980 4070 (insured patients); 0117 980 4080 (self-funding patients)

Litfield House Clinic, Clifton, Bristol 0117 214 1633

The Shard Clinic, London Bridge Hospital 0207 234 2009

Lister Clinic, 102, Sydney Street or Chiswick Medical Centre Clinic, London 0117 214 1633

Windsor Dermatology Clinic at the Alma Medica Medical Centre, Windsor, 01753 831 254

Clive Archer’s secretary can be contacted on: Tel 0117 214 1633 or Email: